Collect and parse logs from any Windows event log channel with Elastic Agent.
What is an Elastic integration?
This integration is powered by Elastic Agent. Elastic Agent is a single, unified way to add monitoring for logs, metrics, and other types of data to a host. It can also protect hosts from security threats, query data from operating systems, forward data from remote services or hardware, and more. Refer to our documentation for a detailed comparison between Beats and Elastic Agent.
Prefer to use Beats for this use case? See Filebeat modules for logs or Metricbeat modules for metrics.
See the integrations quick start guides to get started:
The custom Windows event log package allows you to ingest events from any Windows event log channel.
You can get a list of available event log channels by running Get-WinEvent -ListLog * | Format-List -Property LogName
in PowerShell on Windows Vista or newer.
If Get-WinEvent
is not available, Get-EventLog *
may be used.
Custom ingest pipelines may be added by setting one up in Ingest Node Pipelines.
This integration offers the ability to seamlessly ingest data from a Splunk Enterprise instance. These integrations work by using the httpjson input in Elastic Agent to run a Splunk search via the Splunk REST API and then extract the raw event from the results. The raw event is then processed via the Elastic Agent. The Splunk search is customizable and the interval between searches is customizable. See the Splunk API integration documentation for more information.
This integration requires Windows Events from Splunk to be in XML format.
To achieve this, renderXml
needs to be set to 1
in your inputs.conf file.
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp | Event timestamp. | date | | The cloud account or organization id used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account id, Google Cloud ORG Id, or other unique identifier. | keyword |
cloud.availability_zone | Availability zone in which this host is running. | keyword | | Image ID for the cloud instance. | keyword | | Instance ID of the host machine. | keyword | | Instance name of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.machine.type | Machine type of the host machine. | keyword | | Name of the project in Google Cloud. | keyword |
cloud.provider | Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. | keyword |
cloud.region | Region in which this host is running. | keyword | | Unique container id. | keyword | | Name of the image the container was built on. | keyword |
container.labels | Image labels. | object | | Container name. | keyword |
data_stream.dataset | Data stream dataset. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace | Data stream namespace. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.type | Data stream type. | constant_keyword |
ecs.version | ECS version this event conforms to. ecs.version is a required field and must exist in all events. When querying across multiple indices -- which may conform to slightly different ECS versions -- this field lets integrations adjust to the schema version of the events. | keyword |
error.code | Error code describing the error. | keyword |
error.message | Error message. | match_only_text |
event.created | event.created contains the date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. This field is distinct from @timestamp in that @timestamp typically contain the time extracted from the original event. In most situations, these two timestamps will be slightly different. The difference can be used to calculate the delay between your source generating an event, and the time when your agent first processed it. This can be used to monitor your agent's or pipeline's ability to keep up with your event source. In case the two timestamps are identical, @timestamp should be used. | date |
event.dataset | Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It's recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. | keyword |
event.module | Event module | constant_keyword |
host.architecture | Operating system architecture. | keyword |
host.containerized | If the host is a container. | boolean |
host.domain | Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host's Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host's LDAP provider. | keyword |
host.hostname | Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the hostname command returns on the host machine. | keyword | | Unique host id. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of . | keyword |
host.ip | Host ip addresses. | ip |
host.mac | Host mac addresses. | keyword | | Name of the host. It can contain what hostname returns on Unix systems, the fully qualified domain name, or a name specified by the user. The sender decides which value to use. | keyword | | OS build information. | keyword |
host.os.codename | OS codename, if any. | keyword | | OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). | keyword |
host.os.kernel | Operating system kernel version as a raw string. | keyword | | Operating system name, without the version. | keyword | | Multi-field of . | text |
host.os.platform | Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). | keyword |
host.os.version | Operating system version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.type | Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like t2.medium . If vm, this could be the container, for example, or other information meaningful in your environment. | keyword |
input.type | Type of Filebeat input. | keyword |
log.level | Original log level of the log event. If the source of the event provides a log level or textual severity, this is the one that goes in log.level . If your source doesn't specify one, you may put your event transport's severity here (e.g. Syslog severity). Some examples are warn , err , i , informational . | keyword |
message | For log events the message field contains the log message, optimized for viewing in a log viewer. For structured logs without an original message field, other fields can be concatenated to form a human-readable summary of the event. If multiple messages exist, they can be combined into one message. | match_only_text |
tags | User defined tags | keyword |
winlog.activity_id | A globally unique identifier that identifies the current activity. The events that are published with this identifier are part of the same activity. | keyword |
winlog.api | The event log API type used to read the record. The possible values are "wineventlog" for the Windows Event Log API or "eventlogging" for the Event Logging API. The Event Logging API was designed for Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 operating systems. In Windows Vista, the event logging infrastructure was redesigned. On Windows Vista or later operating systems, the Windows Event Log API is used. Winlogbeat automatically detects which API to use for reading event logs. | keyword | | The name of the channel from which this record was read. This value is one of the names from the event_logs collection in the configuration. | keyword |
winlog.computerObject.domain | keyword | | | keyword | | | keyword | |
winlog.computer_name | The name of the computer that generated the record. When using Windows event forwarding, this name can differ from agent.hostname . | keyword |
winlog.event_data | The event-specific data. This field is mutually exclusive with user_data . If you are capturing event data on versions prior to Windows Vista, the parameters in event_data are named param1 , param2 , and so on, because event log parameters are unnamed in earlier versions of Windows. | object |
winlog.event_data.AccessGranted | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AccessRemoved | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AccountDomain | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AccountExpires | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AccountName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AllowedToDelegateTo | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AuditPolicyChanges | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AuditPolicyChangesDescription | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AuditSourceName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.AuthenticationPackageName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Binary | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.BitlockerUserInputTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.BootMode | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.BootType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.BuildVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CallerProcessId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CallerProcessName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Category | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CategoryId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ClientAddress | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ClientName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CommandLine | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Company | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CorruptionActionState | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CrashOnAuditFailValue | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.CreationUtcTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Description | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Detail | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DeviceName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DeviceNameLength | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DeviceTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DeviceVersionMajor | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DeviceVersionMinor | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DisplayName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DomainBehaviorVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DomainName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DomainPolicyChanged | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DomainSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DriveName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DriverName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DriverNameLength | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Dummy | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.DwordVal | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.EntryCount | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.EventSourceId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ExtraInfo | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.FailureName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.FailureNameLength | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.FailureReason | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.FileVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.FinalStatus | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Group | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.GroupTypeChange | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.HandleId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.HomeDirectory | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.HomePath | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.IdleImplementation | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.IdleStateCount | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ImpersonationLevel | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.IntegrityLevel | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.IpAddress | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.IpPort | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.KerberosPolicyChange | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.KeyLength | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LastBootGood | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LastShutdownGood | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LmPackageName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LogonGuid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LogonHours | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LogonID | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LogonId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LogonProcessName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.LogonType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MachineAccountQuota | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MajorVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MandatoryLabel | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MaximumPerformancePercent | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MemberName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MemberSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MinimumPerformancePercent | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MinimumThrottlePercent | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MinorVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.MixedDomainMode | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewProcessId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewProcessName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSchemeGuid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSd | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSdDacl0 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSdDacl1 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSdDacl2 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSdSacl0 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSdSacl1 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewSdSacl2 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewTargetUserName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewUACList | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NewUacValue | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.NominalFrequency | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Number | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ObjectName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ObjectServer | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ObjectType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OemInformation | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSchemeGuid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSd | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSdDacl0 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSdDacl1 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSdDacl2 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSdSacl0 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSdSacl1 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldSdSacl2 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldTargetUserName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OldUacValue | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.OriginalFileName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PackageName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ParentProcessName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PasswordHistoryLength | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PasswordLastSet | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Path | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PerformanceImplementation | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PreAuthType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PreviousCreationUtcTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PreviousTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PrimaryGroupId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PrivilegeList | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ProcessId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ProcessName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ProcessPath | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ProcessPid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Product | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ProfilePath | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PuaCount | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.PuaPolicyId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.QfeVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Reason | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SamAccountName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SchemaVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ScriptBlockText | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ScriptPath | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Service | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceAccount | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceFileName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceStartType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ServiceVersion | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SessionName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ShutdownActionType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ShutdownEventCode | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.ShutdownReason | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SidFilteringEnabled | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SidHistory | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Signature | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SignatureStatus | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Signed | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.StartTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.State | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Status | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.StatusDescription | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.StopTime | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubCategory | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubCategoryGuid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubCategoryId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubStatus | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubcategoryGuid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubcategoryId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubjectDomainName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubjectLogonId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubjectUserName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.SubjectUserSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TSId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetDomainName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetInfo | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetLogonGuid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetLogonId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetServerName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetUserName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TargetUserSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TdoAttributes | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TdoDirection | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TdoType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TerminalSessionId | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TicketEncryptionType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TicketEncryptionTypeDescription | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TicketOptions | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TicketOptionsDescription | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TokenElevationType | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.TransmittedServices | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.UserAccountControl | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.UserParameters | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.UserPrincipalName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.UserSid | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.UserWorkstations | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Version | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.Workstation | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.WorkstationName | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param1 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param2 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param3 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param4 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param5 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param6 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param7 | keyword | |
winlog.event_data.param8 | keyword | |
winlog.event_id | The event identifier. The value is specific to the source of the event. | keyword |
winlog.keywords | The keywords are used to classify an event. | keyword |
winlog.level | The event severity. Levels are Critical, Error, Warning and Information, Verbose | keyword |
winlog.opcode | The opcode defined in the event. Task and opcode are typically used to identify the location in the application from where the event was logged. | keyword |
winlog.outcome | Success or Failure of the event. | keyword | | The process_id of the Client Server Runtime Process. | long | | long | |
winlog.provider_guid | A globally unique identifier that identifies the provider that logged the event. | keyword |
winlog.provider_name | The source of the event log record (the application or service that logged the record). | keyword |
winlog.record_id | The record ID of the event log record. The first record written to an event log is record number 1, and other records are numbered sequentially. If the record number reaches the maximum value (2^32^ for the Event Logging API and 2^64^ for the Windows Event Log API), the next record number will be 0. | keyword |
winlog.related_activity_id | A globally unique identifier that identifies the activity to which control was transferred to. The related events would then have this identifier as their activity_id identifier. | keyword |
winlog.task | The task defined in the event. Task and opcode are typically used to identify the location in the application from where the event was logged. The category used by the Event Logging API (on pre Windows Vista operating systems) is written to this field. | keyword |
winlog.time_created | Time event was created | date |
winlog.trustAttribute | keyword | |
winlog.trustDirection | keyword | |
winlog.trustType | keyword | |
winlog.user.domain | The domain that the account associated with this event is a member of. | keyword |
winlog.user.identifier | The Windows security identifier (SID) of the account associated with this event. If Winlogbeat cannot resolve the SID to a name, then the , user.domain , and user.type fields will be omitted from the event. If you discover Winlogbeat not resolving SIDs, review the log for clues as to what the problem may be. | keyword | | Name of the user associated with this event. | keyword |
winlog.user.type | The type of account associated with this event. | keyword |
winlog.user_data | The event specific data. This field is mutually exclusive with event_data . | object |
winlog.user_data.BackupPath | keyword | |
winlog.user_data.Channel | keyword | |
winlog.user_data.SubjectDomainName | keyword | |
winlog.user_data.SubjectLogonId | keyword | |
winlog.user_data.SubjectUserName | keyword | |
winlog.user_data.SubjectUserSid | keyword | |
winlog.user_data.xml_name | keyword | |
winlog.version | The version number of the event's definition. | long |
Version | Details |
1.13.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update package to ECS 8.7.0. |
1.12.4 | Enhancement View pull request Improve documentation for listing event log channels. |
1.12.3 | Enhancement View pull request Added categories and/or subcategories. |
1.12.2 | Bug fix View pull request Fix mapping for winlog.time_created by setting to date instead of keyword |
1.12.1 | Enhancement View pull request Fix event.dataset to allow for custom datasets and conform to ECS. |
1.12.0 | Enhancement View pull request Add ecs error fields |
1.11.0 | Enhancement View pull request Add agent fields |
1.10.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update package to ECS 8.6.0. |
1.9.0 | Enhancement View pull request Allow users to configure providers list. |
1.8.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update package to ECS 8.5.0. |
1.7.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update package to ECS 8.4.0 |
1.6.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update package to ECS 8.3.0. |
1.5.2 | Bug fix View pull request Add correct field mapping for event.created |
1.5.1 | Enhancement View pull request update readme added link to Microsoft documentation and reworded a link |
1.5.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update to ECS 8.2 (documentation reference only) |
1.4.0 | Enhancement View pull request Expose winlog input ignore_older option. Bug fix View pull request Fix preserve original event option Enhancement View pull request Make order of options consistent with other winlog based integrations. |
1.3.0 | Enhancement View pull request Expose winlog input language option. |
1.2.0 | Enhancement View pull request Add 8.0.0 version constraint |
1.1.2 | Enhancement View pull request Uniform with guidelines |
1.1.1 | Enhancement View pull request Update Splunk input description |
1.1.0 | Bug fix View pull request Consistently map message field in Windows integrations. |
1.0.3 | Enhancement View pull request Update Title and Description. |
1.0.2 | Bug fix View pull request Fix logic that checks for the 'forwarded' tag |
1.0.1 | Bug fix View pull request Fix drop_event processor example by using event ID string values in conditions. |
1.0.0 | Enhancement View pull request make GA |
0.4.0 | Enhancement View pull request Update integration description |
0.3.0 | Enhancement View pull request Set "event.module" and "event.dataset" |
0.2.2 | Enhancement View pull request Add support for Splunk authorization tokens |
0.2.1 | Enhancement View pull request Change Splunk input to use the decode_xml_wineventlog processor. |
0.2.0 | Enhancement View pull request Add Splunk httpjson input |
0.1.0 | Enhancement View pull request initial release |